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Amazon vs. Walmart Selling Mastery: A Comprehensive Guide to Fees, Strategies, and Gaining a Competitive Edge

Amazon vs Walmart Selling Mastery

Ever wondered why some online sellers seem to effortlessly navigate Amazon and Walmart while others struggle to stay afloat? The secret lies in how they sell their products. Mastering the dynamics of selling on Amazon and Walmart requires an in-depth understanding of their respective fee structures, seller strategies, and competitive advantages. This article delves into these aspects, providing insights that will help sellers navigate and succeed in these dominant ECommerce platforms.

Selling Fees Comparison

Amazon vs Walmart Selling Fees Comparison

Amazon has an extensive network of over 2 million active sellers, whereas Walmart hosts approximately 33,000 sellers. Let's begin by comparing the selling fees on both platforms:


Amazon offers a comprehensive and multi-faceted fee structure that caters to various sellers, from individuals to large-scale businesses. Here's a breakdown of Amazon's fee system:

  • Professional Selling Plan: Amazon's Professional selling plan costs $39.99 monthly and targets serious sellers.

  • Referral Fees: Amazon charges a referral fee of 8%-15% per sale, which varies by category. In some categories, this fee can rise to 20%.

  • Additional Fees: Certain categories incur service fees or variable closing fees. Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program charges a fulfillment fee based on unit size or weight. Sellers are also liable for storage fees and charges for additional services like labeling, returns processing, and removal orders.


Walmart presents a different approach to its marketplace, focusing on accessibility and simplicity in its fee structure. This is particularly appealing to new sellers and those looking to expand beyond Amazon. Here are the critical aspects of Walmart’s selling fees:

  • No Monthly Fees: Walmart Marketplace does not charge setup or monthly seller fees, making it an appealing option for new entrants.

  • Referral Fees: Similar to Amazon, Walmart's referral fees range from 8% to 15%.

  • Walmart Fulfillment Services (WFS): WFS charges monthly storage and per-item fulfillment fees. However, WFS is only accessible to existing Walmart sellers, and new sellers often face approval challenges.

  • Product Listing Requirements: Universal Product Codes (UPCs) are mandatory for every product listed, with some exceptions.

Seller Trends

The following points are noteworthy when it comes to seller trends:

  • Expanding Horizons: Sellers who achieve six-figure sales on Amazon often look to expand to Walmart, especially those at Level 3 or Level 4 on Amazon.

  • Diversification Strategy: Expanding to Walmart is a strategic move to tap into a different customer base and reduce reliance on a single platform.

Performance Metrics

Amazon's vast consumer reach includes over 200 million visitors per month in the US alone, attracting a significant portion of US consumers. Walmart's online customer base is growing yearly, with its online marketplace receiving up to 100 million unique visitors a month, indicating a steady increase in its consumer reach. ​In terms of performance metrics, we observe:

  • Conversion Rates: Walmart's conversion rate generally ranges between 6% and 6.50%, whereas Amazon boasts a higher rate of 10%-15%.

  • Search Volume: Amazon leads with a higher keyword search volume than Walmart.

Walmart Search Engine Optimization (SEO): 10 Tips to Boost Organic Rankings

Walmart Search Engine Optimization

To enhance organic rankings on Walmart, consider these tips:

  • Accurate Product Mapping: Ensure your products are correctly categorized. This involves choosing the most relevant category and subcategory for your items. Correct categorization helps customers find your products more efficiently and improves search relevance on Walmart's platform.

  • Effective Product Naming: Develop succinct yet descriptive product names. Include the product title's key attributes like brand, model, size, or color. This helps in SEO and aids customers in understanding the product quickly.

  • Visual Appeal: Enhance your listings with at least four high-quality images. Show your product from different angles and in use, if possible. Good imagery can increase click-through rates and customer engagement, directly impacting your SEO.

  • Keyword Optimization: Utilize intent-driven keywords strategically in your product titles, descriptions, and feature points. Research keywords relevant to your product that customers will likely use during their search.

  • Competitive Pricing: Offer the best possible landing price to attract customers. Conduct regular market research to understand your competitors' pricing strategies and adjust your prices to stay competitive.

  • Fast Shipping: Implement 2-day shipping options for your products. This makes your listings more attractive to customers and signals to Walmart that you're a reliable seller, which can boost your search rankings.

  • Pro Seller Status: Strive to achieve Pro Seller status on Walmart. This status is awarded to sellers who consistently provide excellent customer service and meet specific performance standards. It enhances your credibility and can lead to better visibility on the platform.

  • Stock Management: Maintain adequate stock levels to avoid stockouts, which can negatively affect your SEO. Additionally, actively seek customer reviews for your products. Positive reviews can improve your product ranking and attract more buyers.

  • Product Variations: If applicable, create variation listings for your products. This means grouping related products, like different sizes or colors of the same item. This can enhance the customer shopping experience and increase the visibility of your listings.

  • Reputation Management: Work on building a solid seller reputation through excellent customer service, accurate product descriptions, and prompt resolution of any customer issues. A good reputation helps in retaining customers and plays a role in improving your search rankings on Walmart.

Price Sensitivity

When it comes to price sensitivity, the following aspects are critical:

  • Strict Pricing Policy: Walmart's stringent pricing rules can lead to delisting if not adhered to.

  • Price Parity and Leadership: Walmart's pricing culture revolves around maintaining price parity with competitors and leading with low pricing.

  • Lower Competition: Compared to Amazon, Walmart has fewer domestic sellers, implying less competition.

Competitive Strategies by Walmart

Walmart employs various competitive strategies, such as:

  • EDLC and EDLP: Walmart focuses on every day low cost (EDLC) and every day low price (EDLP) strategies to offer consistent savings.

  • Pricing Programs: Savings Catcher and Ad Match programs ensure competitive pricing.

  • Rollbacks and Special Programs: Regular rollbacks and various programs keep Walmart competitive.

Strategies for Walmart Approval

To gain approval on Walmart, sellers should focus on:

  • Competitive Pricing: Offering the best prices is crucial for approval.

  • Established Reputation: Showcasing success on other marketplaces helps build credibility.

Walmart Selling Strategies

Effective selling strategies on Walmart include:

  • Winning the Buy Box: Competitive pricing is vital to winning Walmart’s Buy Box.

  • Customer Reviews: Positive reviews significantly influence sales.

  • Exemplary Customer Service: Meeting Walmart’s high customer service standards is essential.

Walmart Shipping and Fulfillment

Walmart's shipping and fulfillment options are designed to enhance seller and customer experience:

  • Walmart+ Benefits: Fast shipping options are available through Walmart+.

  • Two-Day Delivery Program: This program is designed for quicker delivery.

  • Access to WFS: Established sellers can utilize Walmart Fulfillment Services.

Maximizing Success in the Dual Arenas of Amazon and Walmart: Strategic Insights for ECommerce Mastery

Walmart's distinct selling environment, lower fees, and specific seller requirements make it an attractive expansion option for experienced Amazon sellers. Implementing competitive pricing, building a solid reputation, and excelling in customer service are critical strategies for success on Walmart's marketplace. Understanding and leveraging the unique characteristics of each platform is vital for sellers aiming to maximize their presence in the online retail world. 

While Amazon offers a vast customer base and higher conversion rates, Walmart’s growing market, lower fee structure, and commitment to low prices present unique opportunities for differentiation and growth. Sellers must adapt their strategies to each platform's nuances, focusing on SEO, customer engagement, and pricing strategies tailored to the platform's audience and policies.

Sellers who successfully balance the operational and marketing demands of both Amazon and Walmart can enjoy increased market reach, diversified revenue streams, and greater resilience against market shifts. By mastering these dynamics, sellers can turn the challenges of multi-platform selling into a significant competitive advantage. This ensures sustainable growth and success in online retail.

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